Monday, September 03, 2007

Prepare For Invasion

Ok. If you're really gullible then you better run to the grocery and grab your needs for a fall-out shelter. No, this is the new Nicole Kidman thriller, co-starring Daniel Craig. I like sci-fi thrillers, and this is a perfect example of paranoia coming to life!

The story starts with a space rocket falling into our orbit crashing. It spreads an unknown virus that attacks the individual during rem sleep. Trouble starts when the virus starts eradicating free will. That's when starrer Nicole Kidman gets involved. She notices her psycho patients getting fewer and fewer, evidently leaving only one, who is supposedly immune to the virus and is being targeted for death by the hostile invaders. She even gets more involved when her son is also discovered to be immune to the virus, thus also targeted for death. Worse, she is also infected. If she falls asleep, all is doomed! She will kill her own son!

How's that for a thriller!

Watch it! Prepare to be invaded! Bring popcorn!

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